I have written a paper about an alternative form of government which I call Ikanocracy. I would invite people to read the paper HERE.

In this blog I will be commenting on events in politics, government and current affairs and discussing how things would be different (and hopefully better) in a Ikanocracy.

The goal of this blog is to disseminate the ideas of Ikanocracy to as many people as possible and to start a discussion about improving politics and government.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Stupid is as Stupid does

Is the United States of America a stupid country? It is according  a recent article in the Huffington Post by comedian/political commentator Bill Maher.  After going through a litany of depressing factoids about the state of of knowledge of the average American he admits to being an elitist and claims "Yes, I want decisions made by an elite group of people who know what they're talking about."   That seems like a good idea,  but how do you find this elite group of people, and once you have found them, how do you keep them making good decisions for everybody.  Ikanocracy to the rescue. 

...and that's all I have to say about that.

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