I have written a paper about an alternative form of government which I call Ikanocracy. I would invite people to read the paper HERE.

In this blog I will be commenting on events in politics, government and current affairs and discussing how things would be different (and hopefully better) in a Ikanocracy.

The goal of this blog is to disseminate the ideas of Ikanocracy to as many people as possible and to start a discussion about improving politics and government.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Obama gains vote share

Back in 2009, President Obama bailed out General Motors and Chrysler. Both companies have now recovered, paid back the money and are profitable and rehiring. Most experts say that Obama's actions saved the auto sector in North America. In Ikanocracy, if the proposition to bail out the auto sector had been put to a vote, we would now be able to have a hindsight vote with a reasonable confidence of the correctness of decision to bail out. Obama was clearly on the right side and his vote share would increase.

Presumptive Republican nominee for President, Mitt Romney, on the other hand is clearly on the record as saying "Let Detroit go bankrupt". His vote share would have took a hit on that one.

However, in American Representative Democracy, sometimes down is up and bankrupt is bailout as Romney is now claiming that "he takes a lot of credit" for the fact the auto industry has recovered.

It takes a lot of chutzpah to make claims so contrary to established fact. We will see if the American public gives him the credit he is taking.

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