I have written a paper about an alternative form of government which I call Ikanocracy. I would invite people to read the paper HERE.

In this blog I will be commenting on events in politics, government and current affairs and discussing how things would be different (and hopefully better) in a Ikanocracy.

The goal of this blog is to disseminate the ideas of Ikanocracy to as many people as possible and to start a discussion about improving politics and government.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

A Foray into Mainstream Media

I sent an opinion piece to our local newspaper (The Guardian) last night. A few days ago, a Political Science professor had an opinion piece published in The Guardian about mandatory voting (requiring, by law, all eligible persons to vote in elections). He was in favour.

My piece was partially in response. The gist was that we should think bigger when addressing the problems plaguing our government structure. I  took the opportunity to talk a bit about Ikanocracy and how, in an Ikanocracy, abstaining (not voting) is often a conscious decision and that abstainers serve a useful purpose.

This is my first foray into the mainstream media talking about Ikanocracy and, assuming The Guardian prints my letter, I am interested in seeing the response.

Once the letter is published, I will provide a link in this blog. If it doesn't get published (or gets severely edited), I will publish the letter here in a few days.

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